Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wilda Walks with Wisdom

It’s amazing. The trainers at the Seeing Eye have turned another bouncy, flouncy puppy, one which we spent months working to civilize and socialize, into a model dog guide. Wilda is now prepared to steer visually impaired people around life’s obstacles.

We were so excited to see her walk with her trainer around the streets of Morristown, NJ, on a frigid, sunny day in early January. Walking quickly so we wouldn’t fall behind her and her trainer, we kept the obligatory following distance and watched every move they made. Wilda confidently navigated around trees and signs in the sidewalk and negotiated her way past a construction site. She even thwarted her trainer’s attempt to walk into the path of a moving car.

Her trainer thinks she’s great and is hopeful that she will be matched with someone in the next few months. We are so proud that she learned her lessons well.